True Price is a social enterprise with the mission to realize sustainable products that are affordable to all by enabling consumers to see and voluntarily pay the true price of products they buy.
We envision a world where all products are sold for a true price. If a product is sold for a true price, then no damage is done to people or to nature: it is fully sustainable. If all products are sold for a true price, then the global economy is sustainable.
We outline the philosophy behind our vision in the True Price Manifesto. We are working towards this vision by developing and releasing open-source methodology documentation.
The mission of True Price is to realize sustainable products that are affordable to all by enabling consumers to see and voluntarily pay the true price of products they buy.
In 2012, True Price was founded and it in the subsequent years developed into world leading expert in methods and tools to measure and monetize societal impact. It calculated the true price of dozens of products around the world and saw a growing appetite for the idea among companies, governments and consumers. In 2018, True Price decided to continue as a non-profit focused on maintaining a standard and community to realize true pricing, a system where consumers can see and voluntarily pay the true price of their products. All services, as well as the development of new methods and technologies, have been spun off to the Impact Institute.