Occupational health and safety
True pricing method for agri-food products
The Occupational Health and Safety – Impact-specific module for true price assessment contains the key methodological aspects to measure and value the impact of agri-food products and their value chains for occupational health and safety incidents.
This impact-specific module is complemented by six Natural capital modules and four other Social and human capital modules. The other social and human capital modules, developed within this project, are: 1) Living income; 2) Animal welfare; 3) Consumer health; 4) Child labour.
These impact-specific modules methodologically follow the Valuation framework for true pricing of agri-food products, which contains the theoretical framework, normative foundations and valuation guidelines, and the Assessment Method for True Pricing of Agri-Food products, which contains modelling guidance and requirements for scoping, data and reporting.
Together, these documents present a method that can be used for true pricing of agri-food products, and potentially other products as well.
If you have any questions on the module, please get in touch with us (info@trueprice.org).
The Occupational Health and Safety – Impact-specific module for true price assessment was developed by True Price and Wageningen Economic Research within the PPS AF18051/ TU18104 ‘True and Fair Price for Sustainable Products’. This project received financial support from the Topsector Agri & Food and the Topsecto

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